Available in Paperback and New Hardcover Edition
Today’s Chaos was Released in 2008
In the spring of 2008 I was transported in the Spirit to the Court in Heaven as a witness to the events then about to happen. I saw the legal case that was scheduled before the founding of the world brought before the Court of the Divine Majesty, and judgment was then commenced upon the nations of the earth. The Four Horsemen of Revelation were released at that time, each one to stir up specific judgments upon the world. I announced what I saw and what it meant throughout the rest of 2008. In 2009 the book Announcing Judgment Day was published to begin to explain how and why the Horsemen were sent out to bring a series of judgments upon the earth, as foretold in the book of Revelation. The passage of time and events since then has made this message more current than ever. That’s because we have all seen and are seeing the world descending into the very judgments that I witnessed in the Court of Heaven, that were revealed in the Revelation Series messages over a decade ago. By now, this revelation has been proven out as true by actual events all around us. Benefit from this knowledge as you prepare for the remaining days yet ahead. From this site we are offering a signed copy of this unique book at the lowest discounted price, along with free access to our Revelation Series messages.

The story of
Eliyahu ben David
Zarach Publishing Bio
Eliyahu ben David is a best-selling author and is currently credited with three Zarach Publishing titles. These include Holy Order Restored, a best-seller in its category and rated 5 stars at Amazon. Eliyahu authored The Messianic Revelation Series, Announcing: Judgment Day, also a 5 star best-seller in its category at Amazon. In 2021 a hardcover edition of this title was released. Also available from Eliyahu at Amazon, is: Tsiyon Edition Targum Isaiah in English with Parallel Jewish and Christian Texts, abbreviated as Tsiyon Targum Isaiah (TTI) .
Eliyahu is known for his global radio outreach on AM, FM, Satellite, Shortwave, Podcasting, and as founder of the Tsiyon Road Radio station at Tsiyon.Org. His weekly radio program, produced and hosted by Eliyahu with the capable and pleasant assistance of his co-host Dawn, On the Road to Tsiyon, has been broadcast to over 100 countries for decades. Also broadcast on the station, Eliyahu’s weekly Torah teaching series, Eliyahu ben David Bet Midrash digs deeply into the foundational history and principles of the Scriptures.
In addition to radio and books, Eliyahu authors e-books, articles and a newsletter, and oversees Tsiyon Academy, an online Bible training school. That’s not all. Eliyahu and his volunteer team have added filmmaking to the methods of outreach listed above. Currently, 6 DVD sets have been produced and are currently available. These are: Tsiyon Dedication: Stories of Faith Producing Fruit, War on the Saints, Beasts of Daniel Surfacing, Remnant Exodus, Prophetic Fulfillments Just Ahead, and Darwinian Evolution Junk Science. Eliyahu offers a wide range of video seminars from the Tsiyon.Net member website, along with live online meetings each week.
For decades Eliyahu has had something to say, and he has been saying it in multiple ways. By reading Eliyahu’s books, listening to his radio programs, and viewing his videos, you will discover unvarnished and previously undiscovered truth. Many listeners, readers and viewers say his Biblically Hebraic perspective sets Eliyahu ben David apart from other teachers.
Books and Articles Published
Video and Radio Messages Produced

Imagine the advantage it would give you if you could know in advance what is really going on and why. Imagine the peace you would feel if you knew with certainty what is driving world events and where it is all headed. You really can know.

Eliyahu ben David
Order your new hardcover edition here to get 20% off retail. And your personal copy will be signed by the author.
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Get a hardcover copy signed by the author
ANOTHER FREE BONUS – THE REAL REASON FOR THIS BOOK – Get free online access to the Revelation Series of the original On the Road to Tsiyon radio programs by Eliyahu ben David first broadcast back in 2008. These programs take up where the book leaves off, having revealed back in 2008 what has been prophetically unfolding since then, what we are going through now, and where all this will take us in the near future. This series of prophetic messages will unlock the book of Revelation for you with a certainty proven out by the actual unfolding of events since these messages were first released. The book, as important as it is in itself, has a higher purpose: it was written as a way to find you, so that you could receive all the rest of this authentic prophetic word for our times. When you order the book from this site you will receive online access to the Revelation Series completely free of any additional cost.

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Eliyahu’s books on Amazon

Holy Order Restored

Announcing Judgment Day

Targum Isaiah
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